Things I need to finish:
Finish essay
Finish Catalogue
Install work (get gaffer tape and strong string)
Make sure all research videos are on YouTube, and update any last blog things
Install draft mockup:
Install Period: Wednesday 1st Dec - 9am Tuesday 7th Dec
Things to do over the install period:
Collect AV (might already be put into my space)
Install bike with Oleg
Install projector with Oleg
Install speakers (maybe with Oleg)
Darken space 26 for video projection - cover/darken window, turn off the lights in space.
Clean/fix blemishes on walls/spot-paint, fix wirings, sweep floor etc.
Talk with supervisors if needed…?
Print artist statement x 5-10 (check requirement)
Take good images of the final install!
Day 1:
Take all artwork elements into uni/set up space in car - 1 hr
Talk with supervisors about install? - 1-1.5 hrs
Print posters - 20 mins
Print artist statement 10 mins
Darken space 26 if possible eg. cover window - 1hr
Total = 4 hours
Day 1 cont, or Day 2:
Install bike - hanging in space - 1-3 hrs
Install projector, speakers, video and audio - 1-2 hrs
Put up posters - 30 mins
Put up artist statement - 1 min
Total = 5.5 hrs
Day 3:
Final checks on: 1. bike install/structure; 2. AV and audio; 3. overall layout and other minor things like wall blemishes, wire fixings etc.