Project reflections and pushing ways of interacting with certain types/categories of terrains.
How do sites become remediated and reviewed through my involvement as a disruptor with my various versions of bike contraptions?
The sites that I venture into carry significances for being recreational and of high value as tourist attractions and sites that help produce financial gains. Obviously these sites are also extremely important whenua sites -- histories and significance of/to Maori. My work does not directly address/discuss ideas surrounding issues of whenua -- but it's just a fact. These are Maori lands and cultural sites.
Locations/sites diagram
My interactions through the bike at the sites re-visit its westernised views and perform short, casual and slightly absurd and erratic actions within these sites, capturing obtrusive motions and a different aura of the space. I have found that the bike is nearly useless in capturing any conventionally satisfactory aspects of the landscapes. I am indifferent to this occurrence. All the images I take when I'm in the terrain lack any aesthetic aims as they all have the bike in it (almost posing at times) -- whether that ruins the effect and grandeur of the site I don't know.
Bike in shed. To be taken on next journey.
Box of collected materials from around my house. Ever-expanding contents... Has been/will be taken on journeys in my car and attached to the bike.
(above images) Notes & thinking for Midyear
Think about terms I use to describe my work. Think about specific themes and content I want my work to address as well as what I am not trying so say. How my statement backs up the work / clarifies my intentions and intended receptions and provides a deeper reach into my project.