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  • Writer's pictureGitanjali Bhatt

Supervisor meetings reflections

Updated: Jun 25, 2021

With Balamohan and Ngahuia

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Meeting with Ngahuia 20/5/21

Transitory - island close to land - a large land mass. Transitory practice - mapping personal genealogies. Movement - tangible. Unseen movements of trade routes.

'Fish Story' - Allan Sekula - Trade, globalisation, unseen parts - sea 90%

Geoff Park - Mc Canon - poet colonial - frustrate the view of the landscape.

Lewis Hyde - Trickster - book.

Landscape photography - problematic - going there. The history of photography.

Space - what do people need? Language - Contextual - make a glossary of terms. Habits - rituals - process.

Creating my own chapter in the landscape. What does the landscape/place mean to me? Convenience? Via unseen movements? Lockdown.

Aspects of the work that make it them -- identify process as ritual. Playful tone in writing vs heavy and serious tone...?

Dan Arps - 'craft,' found objects --- Sean Kerr's work - Doc thesis ----- NZ artists - playful and thoughtful.

Land demarcation, private and public. what is public land? Ownership...Layne Waera's thesis - online - "The Commons."

Private land - recent content in NZ.

Two strands of content for June crits

Meeting with Balamohan 18/6/21

Ways that installation can tell the story of my project and make my work compelling for an audience, rather than being just spacial / formal solutions.

Thinking about book /booklet accompanying my objects. Is this considered an artwork? There is a spectrum of ways I can include my process in the installation -- the book is at one end of the spectrum.

How there is a democracy established in my objects. How compelling are my decisions? What references does my work or the installation make to other artworks and artists. Francis Alys and his land projects. Also I think there's Ana Mendieta's slight reference to the female body operating within a landscape.

What else sits beside the actual video of the site taken with the bike. How does my install expand into a body of work. The idea of a discrete work that questions whether if it is an art work or not. Objects in the space that are a reference rather than a work.

What is my repertoire as an artist? Finding my own language. Sensibility as an artist.

Simon Denny.

Materials that are in the site. Forming a collection. A guide leaflet - what do i do with that? Other stuff... a person from the site. How all the objects in the space share a story.

Statement - going from particular to general. Try be more specific.

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