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'Uncycled,' 2020, Mixed media. 'Shifting Matter' group show. Form Gallery, Whitecliffe College. 

Image credits: Lexi Kerr.

'Uncycled,' 2020, Mixed media. 

This work explores the encounter of the ‘wild’ through a hand made contraption. Contrary to industrial filming gadgets, this contraption holds little ergonomic practicality or aesthetic value; instead it seems an oversized, excessive and ludicrous article, constructed from materials such as fence posts collected from around my residence; a rural/farm locale. The contraption is utilised to prospect around ditches found on either side the public road outside the property, where overlooked specimens of the ‘wild’ formulate; an impression of ‘otherness’ from the accepted ‘nature’ that is liberally and repeatedly recounted through documentaries: the ‘wild’ that is defined to exist seclusively out of the reach of culture. An element of performance activates the work, based on a list of spontaneous, written tasks. The contraption is made to execute these operations, becoming an extension of my body as I inform its journey. During this process, a time-lapse footage on a iPhone attached to the contraption captures an image every 10 seconds, serving as a documentation rather than a predominant source of information. This renders the video merely a by-product of the work – an archive – reversing the typical mechanism of Nature Shows, whilst allowing a different approach to look at things being filmed in an unintentional, coincidental way. There is a prospect of a new relationship with the machine, rather than it remaining an unseen article. Orthodox ideas around the ‘wild,’ become questioned, and in return it creates a conversation alluding to marginal spaces that manifest between its verges and at the edges of society.

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